I am now convinced that I should never use the term winemaker...There is no such thing. Possibly winehelper, but not winemaker. I think we need to step back and see everything for what it really is. I purchased half a ton of Cabernet grapes from Paso this vintage. I destemmed them, put them in a barrel and let nature take its course. 10 days later I pressed the fermented juice into barrel and innoculated witha a bacteria to start the malolactic fermentation. Now it is sitting in barrel becoming a very balanced drinkable Cabernet. Time will tell just how well it turns out, but I really did nothing, but the manual labor. Everything else was accomplished naturally and I really can not take credit and call myself a winemaker. I guess I will stick with vintner.
in french, "winemaker" is translated as "vigneron", or someone who tends to the vines -- not someone who "makes" wine. thanks for bringing this up! :)
Posted by: Erica | August 13, 2009 at 04:34 PM